Eastern Districts Seed Cleaning Co.
Kellerberrin, Western Australia
Eastern Districts Seed Cleaning Co.
Kellerberrin, Western Australia

Granite (IGB21092T)

Intergrain - Feed Quality
Granite (IGB21092) is a new quick-mid Clearfield® feed barley suited to low-medium rainfall areas of Western Australia. The variety has shown excellent yield potential, yielding 6% higher than Rosalind (InterGrain 2019-2023 national long-term MET). Quick maturing, similar to Rosalind and Maximus CL.
Good disease resistance profile including excellent resistance to net form net blotch, spot form net blotch and resistance to CCN. Erect growth habit and medium plant height, similar to Rosalind and Maximus CL. Strong lodging tolerance and low head loss risk. Good physical grain qualities including good grain size and test weight, similar to Rosalind.
Alternative to Rosalind, Beast, Cyclops, Combat, Spartacus CL and Maximus CL

RGT Atlantis

RGT Atlantis is a new waterlogging tolerant barley with high yield potential in the medium and high rainfall zone areas. These areas with high yield potential can also experience periods of transient inundation during the growing season and this can limit the yield potential significantly.
RGT Atlantis has been bred from RGT Planet combined with a native waterlogging tolerant barley. This cross enables the plants to withstand periods of waterlogging via introduced structures called “aerenchyma”. Normally waterlogged soils are low in oxygen and these aerenchyma allow oxygen to remain in the roots during extended periods of waterlogging and keep the plants growing.
It has a similar yield potential to RGT Planet when under non-waterlogged conditions but can significantly outyield RGT Planet (up to or more than 20%) when under waterlogging pressure.

Bigfoot CL (AGTB0669CL)

A unique plant type, that can be seen as a compact Compass or Commodus CL plant type, with improved lodging characteristics. Clearfield ® tolerant. Improved grain yield over Commodus CL, 3.4% on average across WA, approximately 5% in AGZ5 and AGZ6. Maturity – similar to Commodus CL. Feed quality only.

Pegasus AX (AGTB0667 AX)

Rosalind type with CoAxium. Offers the CoAxium trait in an alternative plant type. Maturity – similar to Cyclops Feed quality only. Very similar grain and disease package to Rosalind. Feed quality only.


Intergrain - Potential Malt Variety
Neo CL is a mid-maturing Clearfield® barley with exceptional yield potential in medium-high rainfall areas. Good disease resistance package including resistance to powdery mildew and cereal cyst nematode, moderate resistance to scald and the spot form of net blotch and useful resistance to the net form of net blotch. Neo CL is susceptible to leaf rust.
Semi-prostrate plant type and growth habit similar to RGT Planet. Medium plant height, slightly shorter in plant height to RGT Planet, an advantage for lodging tolerance and stubble management. Neo CL also has good head retention with a low-moderate head loss risk. Excellent grain plumpness, superior to RGT Planet and comparable test weight to RGT Planet.
Neo CL has been accepted in Grain Australia’s malting accreditation program with the earliest potential malt accreditation in March 2025.
Alternative to RGT Planet, Laperouse, Maximus CL, Zena CL and Minotaur.


Newton Barley is the first new winter type barley released in Australia since Urambie in 2005. Being a winter type, Newton requires a period of cold temperature before it switches from vegetative to reproductive growth, so it can be sown early and grazed. Newton is a high tillering variety with very prostrate growth, so it is very competitive against weeds and produces a large amount of biomass. In terms of phenology, Newton behaves like a mid-developing winter wheat, so it is much later to anthesis than spring barley, with flowering time between EGA Wedgetail and DS Bennett. If sown early, Newton has the potential to produce very high grain yield but if it is not grazed it will need an application of Plant Growth Regulator to manage the large canopy. Newton is a 2-row barley variety with Feed quality.